Services provided by the Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Clinic

The community and environment service sector

  1. The clinic is considered as the first reception unit for cases that visit the college clinic, where the degree and type of injury of the case is evaluated and they are directed either to receive the full medical service in the clinic or visit clinics with other specialties such as the surgery clinic or reproductive clinic.
  2. Providing a diagnosis and treatment service for all cases suffering from internal and infectious diseases.
  3. The clinic has a cadre of consultant veterinarians and specialists with different specialties such as cardiology, kidney diseases, liver diseases and infectious diseases who can diagnose frequent cases at the clinic.
  4. Providing a diagnostic service for cases of internal parasites by collecting a sample of animal feces and examining it microscopically to assess the extent of infection, which facilitates the process of diagnosis and treatment.
  5. Providing a diagnostic service for cases of skin diseases by preparing skin scrapings from animals and examining them microscopically to find out the type of infection and prescribe treatment for them.
  6. Providing a diagnostic service for ear infections through microscopic examination of ear swabs and examination using an otoscope to determine the injury and prescribe treatment for it.
  7. There is an endoscopy and ultrasound unit in the clinic that can provide a diagnosis service for internal diseases in general by performing ultrasound or specialized endoscopes for easy access to the final diagnosis and prescribing treatment for cases.
  8. The clinic is the link between the Central Diagnostic Laboratory of the college and the departments specialized in examining samples, where the process of collecting samples is carried out by the clinic’s specialists.
  9. There is also a hotel housing unit for small domestic animals in which cases can be kept to receive treatment for the period that the veterinarian deems sufficient for the treatment protocol.
  10. Providing hair and nail clipping services and showers for small animals.
  11. Providing the necessary vaccinations to protect small domestic animals from infectious diseases, such as quadruple or triple vaccination for cats, double, quintuple or eight vaccination for dogs, and rabies vaccination for both cats and dogs.
  12. Instructing breeders and owners of cases with the schedule of vaccinations for animals and the proper care methods for them.
  13. Providing the service of obtaining a documented certificate from the hospital and college administration stating that the animal is free of diseases after careful examination of the animals so that the breeder can document them by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to complete the travel procedures for the animal.
  14. Organizing training courses in the diagnosis of internal and infectious diseases and the use of ultrasound in diagnosis.
  15. Providing and organizing opportunities to train graduates in the clinic to receive experiences in diagnosis and dealing with cases.
  16. Participation of the clinic with its medical cadres in the free veterinary treatment convoys organized by the community service and environmental affairs sector in the college.

Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Sector:

  1. The clinic provides a hotel housing unit for small domestic animals that can be used by researchers to house cases related to their scientific theses and researches.
  2. The clinic provides an endoscopy and ultrasound unit that can be used by researchers under the supervision of a specialized veterinarian who works on each device to complete the necessary examinations related to them in their scientific theses and researches.
  3. The clinic provides researchers with the possibility to attend the clinic’s shifts to see cases that suit and benefit their theses and scientific researches.
  4. The clinic provides researchers with information that interests them about the cases that are treated in the clinic, which they can benefit from in their theses and scientific researches.

The education sector and students:

  1. Participation of the clinic by providing the full free of charge treatment service for the frequent cases that are appropriate to the scientific content of practical lessons for students in exchange for introducing these cases in practical lessons for students to train on them.
  2. The clinic’s participation in training students of the fourth and fifth levels annually, according to what is followed by the college administration in the summer training courses for students.
  3. The clinic management organizes the attendance of the final levels’ students on the clinic’s shifts to receive the experiences of veterinarians to follow up the frequent coming cases to the clinic.